"When I first heard about the Skillify program, I didn't know what to think. The thought of networking and talking to adults scared me. My friends and my parents convinced me to apply. I'm so happy I did. Skillify is a great program. All the staff care about you and working with your Student Success Coach is great!! They spend one on one time with you on anything you need. Just ask, and they'll be there for you. One of the biggest ways my Student Success Coach helped me was connecting me with professionals in the nursing and computer science field. I had an idea of what I wanted to pursue in college, but I could never narrow it down between nursing or computer programming. Through the calls, I talked to 4 professionals from Skillify. From those four professionals, I was able to connect with two more people! Every adult I called was super friendly and happy to answer my questions. Through weeks of calling, asking questions about their jobs, and asking questions about college, I was able to get a better feel of what path would be best for me. Skillify provides countless opportunities for me. I'm so proud to say I'm a Skillify student."
“Skillify has changed my life like no other class, program, or event could even begin to. The lessons in networking, resume/cover letter writing, and overall professionalism have transformed my appearance in the adult world, and already have benefitted me tremendously! I have applied for and acquired a total of 5 jobs/internships, only since starting the program (around 6 months ago). Bottom line is, the skills and tools acquired through the Skillify program are priceless, and can be applied anywhere.”
“Since my Skillify conference, I have been able to apply so many of the tips I learned. With the dedicated advice from my Student Success Coach, we worked through building my resume (which employers so far have said is amazing!), wrote letters to event planners, and brainstormed ideas for building my career. The interview techniques and ways to secure an internship have been extremely useful to me. During these past 3 months I have secured a summer internship with the company UPTOGOOD. I created and launched my own campaign, worked with the organization Free Arts, and wrote blogs for their Medium profile. It has been an amazing experience, and the adventure isn’t even over yet! Using the “Informational Interview” format from Skillify, I have successfully contacting an Event Planner in my area with hopes of doing an internship and eventually getting a job at their country club. I am so thankful to Skillify for all they have taught me, and a special thanks to my coach for the outstanding help and advice.”
DANIELLA S. / Biola University
“I took Skillify during my sophomore year, and since then, I have found many opportunities. I have been elected as officer of two clubs at my high school, Green Team and Interact Club (Rotary International). I’m also the Communications Director of the Arcadia Recreation Voluteer Program. Also, I took initiative and contacted my local Senator, Senator Hernandez, to propose a Food Allergy Awareness Bill for Restaurants in California. I personally have food allergies, so I decided to do something that would benefit all. Moreover, I’ve experienced significant personal growth. I’m now able to step out of my comfort zone more easily, as well as talk to people comfortably and make “love connections”. This is a tremendous step in my personal development and is instrumental to my success. Lastly, I have connected with a professor at CalTech, and visited his lab to see if I am interested in the field of environmental science, engineering, etc. I’ve learned a lot from him, and it has definitely helped me narrow down my interests.”
“The level one conference was immensely helpful, and I am very interested in the level two conference because the level one conference was so enlightening. I enrolled in the conference when I was a sophomore in high school, and I continue to use these skills at Stanford and so many opportunities have been opened up due to my ability to properly present myself and be professional. I highly recommend this program for any high school and college student.”
“I got to meet a lot of cool people at my conference and the conference as a whole really fleshed out a lot of the technical things when it came to networking, resumes, and interviews that I did not know before. It honestly showed me how little I actually knew about what it takes to be successful. The program gave me a goal to strive for improving my knowledge and understanding these crucial skills!”
“Through the Skillify Level One Program, my student success coach has helped me towards reaching my goals by providing me with valuable opportunities to meet with professionals in my desired career field. I made connections with photographers who gave me advice on how to start my own artistic business, and I’m so much more prepared now.”
“Skillify taught me the skills that are applicable to real life. My high school courses didn’t prepare me for living and maintaining a job. With a program like Skillify, I received a competitive advantage, and I won’t be surprised by the “real world.”
I think that this is a wonderful program to offer to high school students, especially at a time in our society when it can be SO hard to find work of any kind. This program really helps to empower our young people, and this is a huge relief to us parents, as well as to our children. Thank you!
- Mitzi S., mother of sophomore at Ulysses S. Grant High School
My daughter is already empowered by having attended the conference. She came home feeling inspired and hopeful that there are more options out there for her than she thought there were.
- Marina M., mother of junior at Palisades Charter High School